Filing a Site Extension Request (SER) Online:
*Please consult video tutorial for details
1) Login to with your username & password.
2) Select the “File SER” link in the center of the home page.
3) Select the “Find Owner” box and either find the Facility Owner or add a new Owner.
4) Select the “Find Plant” button and in the popup box either chose a Plant from the list or add a new plant.
5) Select the “Find Project” box and either choose a project name from the list provided or add your own project name.
6) Choose either Primary Contractor or Subcontractor based upon your contract status.
7) Choose the appropriate “Job Status” has the project been Awarded, or is it still Bidding.
8) Complete the “Approximate Start Date” and “Approximate End Date” boxes.
9) Choose the Crafts (International Union) your company is Signatory with that you want to utilize and fill in the Local Union Number and Number of Craft Workers boxes.
10) Complete the “Brief Description” of Work box describing briefly, what work will be performed.
11) Complete the Subcontractor contact details box if you are utilizing Subcontractors on this project.
12) Select the “Continue” button.
13) Under the acknowledgement section select “YES” to indicate that you will comply with the terms and conditions of the National Maintenance Agreements (NMAs).
14) On the last page of the File an SER Request you can review and correct any items you have previously completed before selecting “Submit”.