Yellow Card Site:
Click Here to Download Yellow Card Bid Specifications
- A “Yellow Card Site” is highest designation that work can receive under the NMA. Yellow card sites are very few in number but signify the greatest commitment to excellence and cooperation between the Owner/Client, Employers and Unions.
- The designation of a Yellow Card Site signifies that all work performed within the perimeter of a facility that is work traditionally performed by building trades crafts will be done under the terms and conditions of the NMA.
- It is important to note that the Yellow Card Site status does not prevent the Owner/Cleint from using their in-house personnel to perform any work that they may claim. It does however indicate that all other work will be done under the terms and conditions of the NMA.
- A Yellow Card Site designation can only be requested by the Owner/Client of the facility and must be approved by the NMAPC as a governing body. To learn more about the Yellow Card Site designation please contact the NMAPC Administrative Office.
Yellow Card Project:
Click Here to Download Yellow Card Bid Specifications
- A “Yellow Card Project” carries a special status over and above the traditional NMA and as such provides distinct advantages for Owner/Client, Employers and Unions. To learn more about the Yellow Card Project designation please contact the NMAPC offices to speak to an industrial relations professional.
- Designating a scope of work as a Yellow Card Project signifies that the National Maintenance Agreements Policy Committee (NMAPC) as a governing body has previously reviewed the work in question and collectively determined that the project properly falls within the scope of the NMA.
- A Yellow Card Project designation can be sought by either an Owner/Client, an Employer or a Construction Manager and can be approved either administratively by the NMAPC Impartial Secretary/CEO or by the NMAPC Committee.
- To learn more about how to submit a work scope to be considered for Yellow Card Project status please be sure to review NMAPC Policy Decision IV-6 “Work Scope Determination Process for Application of the National Maintenance Agreement”